Monday, July 14, 2008

Gay and Marriage Part II

I was recently asked about the process of getting married, not only as a lesbian marring her partner but, also about getting married in another country (where gay marriage is legal).

Some people asked us why we got married if it is not recognized in our own country.
It is a sad statement. It feels bad to know that as 2 consenting, intelligent adults, our marriage is not recognized because of the sex of the person we love.

Some say marriage is defined by a man and a woman. The way I see is is; Our country is divided by the decision that the legality of marriage is based on nothing more than a penis and a vagina!!

The answer to that question is simple; We made the decision mostly because we wanted to create a stronger bond between us.

In case you have not read my profile, I am an American Citizen who was married in Ontario, Canada a few years back.

My partner and I made the decision to get married, although at the time it was not recognized in the United States except for in Massachusetts. We thought, ok lets take a drive and get married. However, we soon learned that in order to be legally married in Massachusetts, we had to become residents of the state first. This would mean we would have to relocate, which we were not willing to do.

Since we lived much closer to Ontario Canada, and we did not have to be a resident, or even Canadian to be wedded, we decided it was the best option for us.

This process was actually pretty simple. We first visited the local city website to see how to apply for a marriage license. We then went down to city hall together in Ontario (Niagara Falls). We showed our I.D., signed for the license, and were told the license would arrive in the mail. A week or two later, there it was as promised sitting in the mailbox.

The only thing left to do was find a reverend, or someone to marry us, and show up.
Okay, okay, its not that easy.... Getting married in general is just as stressful and hectic as any straight couple getting married.

We first checked out Justice of the peace. However, it was first come, first serve at city hall. Depending on how many people show up to be married that day, you'd arrive not knowing if you are going to be married.

Then we searched for gay reverend, and gay weddings in Ontario. In instant result came up. We began to call. Some reverends were booked, one did not honor or hold gay weddings. By the fifth phone call we found our reverend who was happy to marry us at a decent price.

We of course had to prepare for the wedding. I wont go into monotonous detail. I'll just say if any of you have been married, or stood up in a wedding, then you know all the little dainty details of what need to be done.

Thats it!!! We got married, in 2005, and have been happily married ever since.

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